Speaker’s Ruling Finds Significant Evidence of Conservative Wrongdoing
June 18, 2013
OTTAWA– Liberal House Leader Dominic LeBlanc made the following statement today in response to the Speaker’s ruling on a Liberal Question of Privilege regarding Conservative non-compliance with the Canada Elections Act:
“The Speaker has concluded that there is sufficient evidence of Conservative wrongdoing to warrant the immediate consideration of the House of Commons.
Liberals firmly believe that there is nothing more important to the health of our democracy than ensuring that Canada’s electoral laws are followed.
As such, we are working to rectify this situation by moving a motion to refer this issue to the House of Commons Committee on Procedure and House Affairs for immediate consideration.
True to form, at the first opportunity, the Conservatives have promptly used their majority to shut down this important debate. The Conservatives seem to think that the rules don’t apply to them, clearly repudiating the Speaker’s ruling.”