Riding Central Nova Date Aug 28, 2024 Province NS Time 6:30 PM CORRECTION: General Meeting Notice : Central Nova Please note that the Central Nova General Meeting will now be held at Summer Street Industries Located at 72 Park Street, New Glasgow, NS on August 28, 2024 at 6:30 PM. As a Registered Liberal, you’re invited to attend the General Meeting of the Central Nova Federal Liberal Association. As you may know, these general meetings for your local Liberal Electoral District Association (EDA) give us all an exciting chance to build up our local team for the year ahead. Table Officers and Directors will be chosen by you, and fellow Liberals in your area. This is an exciting time to be involved in the Liberal Party of Canada, as we work together to keep Canada moving forward and Justin Trudeau’s plan to build a better and fairer future for all Canadians. Attendees are expected to follow local public health measures while participating in the General Meeting, and should contact their local public health authorities for any further up-to-date information and guidance for their area. The EDA Board of Directors is often the first point of contact that Canadians will have with the Liberal Party of Canada. Serving on your EDA Board is a great way to develop your skills, to cultivate relationships, and to engage with community leaders – regardless of how much or how little experience you may have with political engagement. Members of the board will be responsible for engaging Canadians at the community level, hosting events, fundraising, and most importantly, building towards the next federal election whenever it eventually arrives. If you would like to serve in a position on the EDA board of directors, you must submit your intent to stand to the National Returning Officer through this Online Form by no later than August 14, 2024 at 11:59PM local time. The roles that will be filled at this General Meeting are: Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Organization Chair Policy Chair Directors-at-Large(6) Descriptions for each of these roles are outlined in section 6.1 of the Liberal Party of Canada’s EDA by-law, here. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at assistance@liberal.ca, or by phone at 1-888-LIBERAL. In order to vote, individuals must be registered as a Liberal by no later than August 21, 2024 at 11:59PM local time.* *for an application submitted by an online form via the Liberal Party website. Applications submitted on a paper form shall be considered eligible if the effective date, as determined by By-law 4 – Registered Liberals, is equal to or before the cut-off date for this meeting. Agenda Call to Order Approval of agenda Approval of previous meeting minutes Presentation of Reports Election of Officers and Directors Remarks by newly elected Chair Any Other Business Adjournment Elise Bartlett Party Secretary Liberal Party of Canada