Survey: Your Movement 2020 We want to hear from you: What tools do you need to connect with your community online about our progress, help organize strong volunteer teams virtually, and keep growing our Liberal movement in every part of Canada? Take the survey
Making Life More Affordable Together, we can make a real difference for those who need it the most. Add your name
Ratify the new NAFTA This progressive trade agreement will profoundly benefit our economy and Canadian families, now and for generations to come. Add your name
Choose Climate Action Support moving forward with real action to fight climate change, don’t let the Conservative Party roll back the progress we’re making together. Add your name
Choose Forward Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada have a positive plan to continue investing in our middle class, growing an economy that works for everyone, and protecting a clean environment. Choose forward
A Real and Fair Chance at Success With the Canada Child Benefit, parents have more money each month for clothing, school supplies and more. Add your name
Reducing Plastic Pollution We have reached a defining moment, and if we do not act now, plastics could outweigh fish in our oceans by 2050. Add your name
Declaring a National Climate Emergency Climate change is a profound threat to our economy, our communities, and our future. Add your name
Tell Andrew Scheer: Remove Michael Cooper from the Conservative Caucus Cooper’s comments were gravely disrespectful, and Scheer’s response was woefully inadequate. Add your name