The Liberal Party of Canada is funded by grassroots donors like you.

Our team has put together this page to help answer your questions about chipping in to support this movement, and to highlight how important your donation is to our work together to build a better Canada.

Fact Check


Political parties are funded by big corporate donors.


Federal political parties are funded by individual citizens or permanent residents up to a maximum of $1,750 to the national party and an additional $1,750 to a local riding association, per year.

No donations can be accepted from corporations, trade unions or associations, and all contributions over $200 are publicly and proactively disclosed on the Elections Canada website both quarterly and annually.

Victory Fund

How can my donation make a difference?

A great way to donate both locally and nationally is to join the Victory Fund. Your custom monthly donation is split between the national party and the riding of your choice. For as low as $10 per month ($5 locally and $5 nationally), you can provide local campaigns with reliable, long-term funding to make sure our teams are always ready to support important Liberal progress while at the same time ensuring our team is able to continue investing in new tools and technology for our volunteers to help connect and engage with more Canadians in communities across the country.


In 2015, the Victory Fund program allowed 19 ridings to fully fund their local campaign – and it’s grown a lot since then!

Thanks to Canadians from coast to coast to coast, we now have more active Victory Fund donors than at any time in the party’s history. It doesn’t take much to make sure your local Liberal team has more of the resources they need to keep growing our movement in our community. And those small monthly donations add up fast – here are some examples of how just $5 a month can help us build strong campaigns across the country:

Donations6 months1 Year3 Years
50 donors, $5 each$1,500$3,000$9,000
50 donors, $10 each$3,000$6,000$18,000
25 donors, $125 each$18,750$37,500$112,500
Total: 125 donors$23,250$46,500$139,000

Victory Fund logo

It is always possible to change your donation amount, and with donations eligible for a tax credit of up to 75%, your donation could cost as little as $2.50 per month.

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How do I donate to my riding?

Across the country, from coast-to-coast-to-coast, local EDAs are where we connect with our neighbours about what matters most to them. From Days of Action, to volunteer training, local events and policy discussions, your EDA is helping share our positive progress and ensuring that more Canadians get involved in building our movement.

The Victory Fund provides essential, ongoing support on a monthly basis, but you can also make a one-time donation directly to the riding of your choice.

Laurier Club logo

Why donate more?

We’re grateful for all of our grassroots donations, and every contribution makes an important difference. For those who can afford to contribute more, we also have the Laurier Club. It recognizes many of our most dedicated donors and gives you the opportunity to maximize your impact and connect with community leaders who share your commitment to our Liberal values at Laurier Club events. You’ll also receive special discounted rates for conventions and other Liberal events, and you’ll receive a limited-edition Laurier Club pin as a token of our thanks.


In 1918, Sir Wilfrid Laurier established the Laurier Club when he sent out 600 letters to business professionals and community leaders, asking for their crucial support.

Laurier ClubMonthlyAnnually
35 years old & under$75$900
Over 35 years old$145.84$1,750

Laurier Club logo

With the Laurier Club, you will play a leadership role in growing our movement, electing Liberal candidates across Canada, and supporting our work together to build a better and fairer future for all Canadians.

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What if I want to support a specific cause?

Advancing equality for women and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples are cornerstone commitments of the Liberal Party of Canada, and representation is an important part of that work. That’s why you can donate specifically to the Judy LaMarsh Fund or the Indigenous Electoral Fund, to encourage more diversity on the Liberal team and in Parliament.


Created in honor of Canada’s first female federal cabinet minister, the Judy LaMarsh Fund is used to encourage women candidates to run for the Liberal Party, and to offset the costs of running for office, since money is one of the major barriers to women considering running for Parliament.

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Indigenous Peoples' Commission logo

The Indigenous Peoples’ Commission (IPC) launched the Indigenous Electoral Fund to support more First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Liberal candidates. Their goal is to increase and encourage Indigenous representation in Parliament.

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What if I just want to donate one time?

You can donate right now!

Our movement always needs to be investing to support our local teams, train our volunteers, and step up our organizing with new tools and technologies. All types of contributions are crucial and grassroots support from Canadians like you truly drives our movement forward. 95% of our donations are under $200, highlighting the power of individual Canadians chipping in what we can to help build a better future. Every bit helps.

But don’t just take our word for it — here’s just how big of an impact your donations can have:


2021 saw one of the largest volunteer mobilization and digital engagement programs in our party’s history, with 17 virtual days of action leading the way.

Liberal volunteers made more than 18 million knocks and calls before and during the last election campaign, to start new conversations with Canadians.

More than 250,000 Canadians have signed up as new Registered Liberals since 2016.

In 2021, Canadians chose to keep Canada moving forward, and sent our Liberal team back to Parliament to continue our work to finish the fight against COVID-19, invest in affordable child care and affordable housing, create good new jobs, build a cleaner and greener future, walk the shared path of reconciliation, and so much more.

Azam Ishmael portrait

Every day I get to see the impact our donors have – on conversations started, new volunteers joining us, tools added or improved and ultimately in supporting our teams to make real progress possible. We are entirely funded by individual Canadian donors, and it is the contributions of Canadians just like you that will keep us pushing forward together, to keep fighting for real progress for Canadians.Azam IshmaelNational Director

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Whether you chip in $5, $50, or more – contributions of any and every size will go towards supporting the Liberal team, and all of the real progress we’re making together to help make life better for Canadians.

What if I can’t afford to donate?

Your support means so much to us. If you can’t donate but you still want to support the Liberal team, there are many ways to help out!

You can find local teams and events near you or sign up to volunteer here:

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