Ce qu’ils ont dit : La plateforme des conservateurs inclut 53 milliards $ en coupes – incluant 14 milliards $ en coupes cachées
13 octobre 2019
Vendredi, à la veille de la fin de semaine de l’Action de grâce, Andrew Scheer a dévoilé son plan prévoyant des coupes qui s’élèvent à 53 milliards $, en espérant que les Canadiens ne remarqueraient rien. Mais les Canadiens n’ont pas été dupes et les critiques fusent de toutes parts. Voici ce que certains ont dit :
Les citations sont transmises dans leur langue originale de diffusion
“[U]nfortunately we have had the Conservative Party talking about cutting back or postponing or delaying some of that infrastructure. I think that would be not a good development for Toronto, in particular, and I believe for other cities across Canada.” – Mayor John Tory, City of Toronto, CP24, October 13, 2019
“Mr. Scheer finally released the Conservative platform on Friday afternoon. On the front cover, there should have been pictures of Stephen Harper, Doug Ford, and Jason Kenney.” – C. Scott Clark and Peter C. DeVries (former Finance Canada officials), National Newswatch, October 13, 2019
« Les conservateurs essaient d’équilibrer le budget sur le dos des fonctionnaires fédéraux, ces femmes et ces hommes qui ne sont pas payés correctement à cause de Phénix, un fiasco provoqué par les conservateurs il y a un peu plus de quatre ans. » – Chris Aylward (Président, Alliance de la fonction publique du Canada), communiqué, 11 octobre, 2019
« Mr. Scheer is promising to eliminate the deficit by cutting government programs and services without providing much in the way of details. Doug Ford and Jason Kenney did the same thing… Mr. Scheer figures that if Ford and Kenney can fool their voters, then he can do it as well. » – C. Scott Clark and Peter C. DeVries (former Finance Canada officials), National Newswatch, October 13, 2019
“This is not the first time a government has tried an across the board cut in operating costs. They weren’t successful before and probably won’t be successful now.” – C. Scott Clark and Peter C. DeVries (former Finance Canada officials), National Newswatch, October 13, 2019
« Qu’ils n’essaient pas de nous mentir en disant qu’il n’y aura pas de coupes dans les services et pas de coupes dans la fonction publique, c’est impossible, c’est impossible. » – Magali Picard (VP exécutive nationale, Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada), Radio-Canada, 12 octobre, 2019
“The Conservative Platform lacks transparency and credibility and the cover should be stamped ‘not as advertised.’ « – C. Scott Clark and Peter C. DeVries (former Finance Canada officials), National Newswatch, October 13, 2019
“There is little relief for low-income Canadians, despite Conservative claims. It brings back failed tax expenditures, which were not meeting their stated objectives. There are few initiatives, which can be considered as investments in the future and strengthen economic growth.” – C. Scott Clark and Peter C. DeVries (former Finance Canada officials), National Newswatch, October 13, 2019
“I would love to know what Mr. Sheer has to say to the millions of Canadians who are forced to choose between food and their medicine.” – Linda Silas (President, Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions), Twitter, October 12, 2019
“Andrew Scheer released his platform, full of massive cuts to vital infrastructure and programs, after the last debate on a Friday evening, before the long weekend, just before voting day. It’s underhanded and deceitful. Canadians should expect better.” – Thomas Lukaszuk (former Deputy Premier of Alberta), Twitter, October 13, 2019
“We were very surprised that the Conservative platform included billions of dollars for subway expansion in Toronto but completely left Metro Vancouver out of the equation and we’re a bit puzzled as to why (…) This could have a really negative impact on our transportation system and congestion. These are vitally important transportation projects and ultimately without support from the next Federal government, projects will be delayed indefinitely.” – Jonathan Cote (Mayor of New Westminster and Chair of the TransLink Mayors’ Council), City News 1130, October 12, 2019
« Il n’y a pas des bureaux vides pour 14 milliards de dollars au Canada. » – Magali Picard (VP exécutive nationale, Alliance de la Fonction publique du Canada), Radio-Canada, 12 octobre, 2019
« I think having cuts to infrastructure investment into cities is a bit short-sighted. We’re disappointed that one of the major parties hasn’t seen the value in investing in public transit in the region. » – Jonathan Cote (Mayor of New Westminster and Chair of the TransLink Mayors’ Council), City News 1130, October 12, 2019
“Federal cuts to infrastructure impede on the futures of the very men & women who build our country. Cuts to infrastructure are cuts to the construction industry, cuts to the labour force, and cuts to the economic development and growth of our communities. Infrastructure Matters!” – Joseph Mancinelli (International VP and Regional Manager for Central and Eastern Canada, LiUNA), Twitter, 13 October, 2019