Ce qu’ils ont dit: Lors du débat des chefs, Justin Trudeau présente son plan pour faire avancer le Canada
08 octobre 2019
Débats des chefs en anglais 2019
Hier soir, le chef du Parti libéral du Canada, Justin Trudeau, a présenté aux Canadiennes et aux Canadiens son plan visant à continuer d’investir dans la classe moyenne, à stimuler l’économie et à protéger l’environnement. Et les réactions continuent de rentrer.
Les citations sont transmises dans leur langue originale de diffusion
“The most-passionate version of Trudeau emerged in the night’s final segment, on the environment and energy. There, again, Trudeau invoked the choice he wants voters to see, between Conservatives who would rip up the current plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and Liberals who are pledged to keep going.” – Aaron Wherry, CBC News, October 8, 2019
“Trudeau remained calm through the fast-paced debate, reciting his governing party’s record of investing in programs aimed at fostering prosperity.” – Alan Cochrane, Telegraph Journal, October 8, 2019
« Mr. Trudeau proved willing to fight back and make his Conservative political rival his rhetorical punching bag, forcing him to defend his stance on social issues such as abortion rights.” – Jessica Murphy, BBC News, October 8, 2019
« M. Trudeau a néanmoins réussi à se démarquer de son adversaire conservateur sur les questions sociales. M. Scheer a d’ailleurs prononcé les mots qu’il refusait de dire jeudi dernier, quand il a avancé que « comme des millions de Canadiens » il est « pro-vie ». Si l’objectif du chef libéral était de sortir du débat sans trop de blessures, il peut dire mission accomplie. » – Fanny Olivier, Radio-Canada, 7 octobre, 2019
« [Trudeau] emerged, it appears, unscathed, which for an incumbent is best you could hope for. » – Vassy Kapelos, CBC, October 7, 2019
“But ultimately I have to say probably the biggest winner out of this was the Prime Minister” – Jenni Byrne, CP24, October 7, 2019
“Overall Trudeau was stron; I don’t think anybody knocked him out of the ring.” – Tom Mulcair, News Talk 1010, October 8, 2019
“The loser tonight, sadly, was Mr. Scheer. And I say that because there were great expectations that he would effectively challenge Trudeau and he didn’t effectively challenge him.” – Robin Sears, CP24, October 7, 2019
“And Justin Trudeau for the most part, no gaffes, no mistakes. As steady as she goes for the most part for him tonight.” – Aleem Kanji (VP Government Relations – Sutherland Corporation), CTV News, October 7, 2019
« À plusieurs égards, le chef libéral Justin Trudeau a mieux défendu son bilan des quatre dernières années (…) il a aussi abondamment parlé des principales promesses contenues dans son programme électoral, ce qu’il avait omis de faire la semaine dernière. Il a finalement donné un certain sens à ce que pourrait être un second mandat libéral. » – Joël-Denis Bellavance, La Presse, 8 octobre 2019
“The loser in all this was Andrew Scheer. The Conservative leader needed to have a big night, after a week in which his reputation was pounded by his opponents for the alleged lack of transparency on his resumé, his views on issues of conscience and his nationality (…) If the Tories lose this election, putting a price on carbon is an issue they will have to revisit or risk being left looking like a BlackBerry in an iPhone world.” – John Ivison, National Post, October 8, 2019