Policy Resolution 164

164. Emergency Resolution: Restoring Electoral Fairness

WHEREAS the right to vote is a basic democratic right of all Canadian citizens, guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and no citizen should be unfairly burdened in the exercise of that right.

WHEREAS, in 2009, the Fifth Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples noted the significant shortcomings of Bill C-31 during the 2008 federal election[1];

WHEREAS, instead of correcting these problems, Bill C-23 will amend the Canada Elections Act by:

  • Further restricting access to voting by disallowing vouching for voters, thereby preventing approximately 120,000 Canadians from voting;
  • Threatening the independence of the Commissioner of Canada Elections, by making this position part of government rather than leaving it with Elections Canada, which is independently answerable to Parliament;
  • Prohibiting the Chief Electoral Officer from communicating broadly with Canadians;
  • Hampering investigations into election breaches, by failing to give the Commissioner the power to compel witnesses to answer questions or provide documents;

BE IT RESOLVED that the next Liberal government of Canada, in consultation with Elections Canada, urgently enacts legislation to protect, strengthen and improve the electoral process by redressing the above concerns;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as per recommendations of the Chief Electoral Office to have all parties and individuals keep copies of records and contracts with telemarketing companies employed by them to provide access to Elections Canada as required.


Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta)

Liberal Party of Canada (Quebec)

[1] http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/SEN/Committee/402/abor/rep/rep05may09-e.pdf