May 4-6 • Ottawa, ON
Thousands of Canadians joined us in Ottawa this year to have important conversations, connect & share ideas, and shape the future of our movement, and our country. It’s a grassroots movement unlike any other.
participated in our largest non-leadership convention featuring special keynote panels and speakers, virtual policy discussions, innovating campaign training, and much more.
joined for the very first time, a testament to our movement’s work to connect and engage with Canadians in communities across the country.
had already taken action to shape a better future before the convention even started, whether by attending one of the 28 Forward to LIB2023 events, registering for LIB2023, or participating in our Open Policy Process.
Liberals from coast to coast to coast have been heard from interesting guest speakers on important priorities, like delivering on climate action for clean air and a strong economy, strengthening Canada’s universal public health care system, walking the shared path of reconciliation, building an more equal and inclusive future, and so much more.
“As Liberals, our vision is to lay a solid foundation for Canadians, so they can be empowered to build up their dreams. This is why the choice we’ll all face in a couple of years at the next election is so fundamentally important. You see, we want to build things up, while Pierre Poilievre and his brokenist Conservative party want to tears things down.”Justin TrudeauLeader of the Liberal Party of Canada
“Canada is the land of generosity. Canada is the land of stability. Canada is the land of tolerance. Canada is the land of the rule of law. No, Mr. Poilievre, Canada is not broken. Canada is the land that makes the envy of the world.”Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien20th Prime Minister of Canada
If you recognize the importance of making it possible for women to be both in the formal workforce and taking care of family responsabilities if they have them, you will increase the GDP of your nation […] To act as though things like paid familiy leave and quality affordable child care are luxuries is to hobble your economy as well as hobble women’s dreams and aspirations“Hillary Rodham ClintonFormer United States Secretary of State
Before the National Convention, over 4,000 Canadians were involved in shaping the ideas and directions of policy resolutions. Over 300 policy resolutions were submitted from across the country to kick off our Open Policy Process.
Liberals voted to prioritize a final set of policy resolutions as official party policy.
Read the policies here