“We’ll meet the provinces within 90 days of the UN Climate Change Conference this December to develop a carbon pricing policy.”
Our commitment: get moving quickly on climate change
Stephen Harper’s Conservatives stubbornly refuse to consider strong, credible environmental policies, while many provinces and territories have already introduced their own initiatives. Now the Environment Minister is trying to blame the Premiers, when it is the Conservatives who have failed to take any meaningful action.
If we do not demonstrate to the world that we have our act together, as a country, on climate change and the environment, we will find it harder and harder to get our resources to markets.
The Liberal plan
A Liberal government is committed to attending the Paris climate conference, and within 90 days, holding a First Ministers meeting to work together on a framework for combatting climate change. Central to this would be the creation of national emissions reduction targets.
Under the Liberal plan, provincial and territorial governments will have the flexibility to design their own policies to meet these commitments, including their own carbon pricing policies. We will provide targeted federal funding to help achieve these goals, in the same way the federal government supports health care in Canada.