Add your photo to our live mosaic of Canada!
June 6, 2014
Real change happens when people take action.
Each of these people in our live mosaic of Canada are driving change – and I want to see you join them.
This movement started at our National Convention in Montreal this past February, when 970 people stepped into our photo booth to take their picture and make a pledge for change. This May, another 900 said “I’m in” for a better, not just different government.
Today, it’s your turn to stand up for new ideas, new solutions and a new way of doing politics in Canada.
Go to and upload your photo. Pledge “I’m in and help ensure every Canadian has a real and fair chance to succeed.
You can even tweet your ideas for a better country @JustinTrudeau #whyimin4canada and join the ongoing conversation.
Upload your photo by June 8th and help complete our live mosaic of Canada.
This is your opportunity to help achieve our ambitious vision of Canada. Stand with us, say you’re in.
Thank you.