Adam van Koeverden Burlington North–Milton West adam van koeverden burlington north €“milton west Donate
Anne Marie Reid-Watson Bruce–Grey–Owen Sound anne marie reid watson bruce €“grey €“owen sound Donate
Bienvenu-Olivier Ntumba Mont-Saint-Bruno–L’Acadie bienvenu olivier ntumba mont saint bruno €“l acadie Donate
David Goodwin Elgin–St. Thomas–London South david goodwin elgin €“st thomas €“london south Donate
Diane Lebouthillier GaspĂ©sie–Les ĂŽles-de-la-Madeleine–Listuguj diane lebouthillier gaspesie €“les iles la madeleine €“listuguj Donate
François-Philippe Champagne Saint-Maurice–Champlain francois philippe champagne saint maurice €“champlain Donate
Gary Anandasangaree Scarborough–Guildwood–Rouge Park gary anandasangaree scarborough €“guildwood €“rouge park Donate
Giovanna Mingarelli Prescott–Russell–Cumberland giovanna mingarelli prescott €“russell €“cumberland Donate
Guillaume DeschĂŞnes-ThĂ©riault Madawaska–Restigouche guillaume deschenes theriault madawaska €“restigouche Donate
Irek Kusmierczyk Windsor–Tecumseh–Lakeshore irek kusmierczyk windsor €“tecumseh €“lakeshore Donate
Jaime Battiste Cape Breton–Canso–Antigonish jaime battiste cape breton €“canso €“antigonish Donate
Jessica Fancy-Landry South Shore–St. Margarets jessica fancy landry south shore €“st margarets Donate
Juliette Sicotte Okanagan Lake West–South Kelowna juliette sicotte okanagan lake west €“south kelowna Donate
Larry Ingram Battlefords–Lloydminster–Meadow Lake larry ingram battlefords €“lloydminster €“meadow lake Donate
Leah Taylor Roy Aurora–Oak Ridges–Richmond Hill leah taylor roy aurora €“oak ridges €“richmond hill Donate
Louis Bellemare Charlesbourg–Haute-Saint-Charles louis bellemare charlesbourg €“haute saint charles Donate
Marc Miller Ville-Marie–Le Sud-Ouest–Île-des-Soeurs marc miller ville marie €“le sud ouest €“ile des soeurs Donate
Marc SerrĂ© Sudbury East–Manitoulin–Nickel Belt marc serre sudbury east €“manitoulin €“nickel belt Donate
MĂ©lanie Bedard Saint-Hyacinthe–Bagot–Acton melanie bedard saint hyacinthe €“bagot €“acton Donate
Patricia Lattanzio Saint-LĂ©onard–Saint-Michel patricia lattanzio saint leonard €“saint michel Donate
Patrick Weiler West Vancouver–Sunshine Coast–Sea to Sky Country patrick weiler west vancouver €“sunshine coast €“sea sky country Donate
Salma Zahid Scarborough Centre–Don Valley East salma zahid scarborough centre €“don valley east Donate
Steve Black Kapuskasing–Timmins–Mushkegowuk steve black kapuskasing €“timmins €“mushkegowuk Donate
Tracey Sweeney Schenk Hastings–Lennox and Addington–Tyendinaga tracey sweeney schenk hastings €“lennox addington €“tyendinaga Donate