
Choose Forward — Your Choice

The Conservatives want you to think this election is about Justin Trudeau. We think it's about you.

Up To Youth

It’s #UpToYouth to keep moving our country forward.


Your voices matter, make them heard by voting.

Susan’s Story

I think that Justin Trudeau has demonstrated that he is willing to step up and to take political risk to act upon those things that will matter to my future generations - my daughter and grandchild to be.

Shellee’s Story

This is the Party for me. It represents me as a woman moving forward, and I can’t thank them enough for that.

Mustafa’s Story

All I can say is that this is my country, and what you wish for Canada I wish for probably even more.

Ryan and Gord’s Story

We take our group to Ottawa every year. We would meet with politicians of all different stripes. They would listen to us. They would say that they were going to get this done. This government sat up, listened, and acted on that compensation.

Gun Control

Soon, you’ll have a choice to make: Let the Conservatives weaken our gun control laws or make our communities safer by making gun laws stronger. #ChooseForward

Choose Forward — Proud

Our Liberal team will always support a woman’s right to choose, fight for our environment, and help families. That’s why we’re for choosing forward.