Letter to Minister Lebel Seeking Clarification for Canadians on the Conservative Government’s Position on the Marois Government Charter
September 27, 2013
MONTRÉAL– Liberal MP Marc Garneau sent the following letter today to Stephen Harper’s senior minister for Quebec, Denis Lebel, regarding his recent comments on the Marois government’s Charter:
The Hon. Denis Lebel, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Infrastructure, Communities and Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Dear Minister:
I am writing to you in your capacity as the federal government’s senior minister for Quebec.
This week, as was widely reported by the media, you indicated that “there’s nothing that upsets” you in the Marois government’s proposed Charter of Values.
I was very concerned by your comments on an issue as serious as the Parti Quebecois (PQ)’s plan to legislate away minority rights.
Canada is unlike any other country in the world. We have figured out how to be strong not in spite of our differences, but because of them. Across Canada, and in Quebec, we defend each other’s freedoms. We do not restrict them.
Your government is playing a very dangerous game. You have senior anglophone ministers telling English Canada that they oppose the PQ plan, and you, as the government’s senior francophone minister, have been telling Quebecers that there is nothing in the plan that bothers you.
By refusing to clarify your comments on the PQ’s plan, you are creating confusion and preventing Canadians from knowing where your government truly stands on this vital issue. Canadians deserve better, more consistent and more principled leadership.
To that end, we are calling on your government to clarify its position. Please do not tell us that your government is reserving its final comment until you see the proposed legislation. The restrictions which the Marois government is intending to impose have been openly and publicly discussed for several weeks.
We look forward to your prompt clarification.
Yours sincerely,
Marc Garneau, M.P.