Mulcair will make cuts and break his promises to seniors
September 4, 2015
MONTREAL – By adopting Stephen Harper’s budget, Thomas Mulcair will make cuts and break his promises to Canadian seniors.
“By adopting Stephen Harper’s failed economic policies and rushing to eliminate the deficit in just six months, Mulcair will need to make cuts and break his promises to seniors,” said Liberal candidate for Ahuntstic-Cartierville, Mélanie Joly. “Mulcair is already backing off his health care and public transit commitments, and he can’t possibly follow through on his promised increase to the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors. He won’t be able to find the money for it.”
Ms. Joly noted that Mulcair has come under fire for planned cuts and broken promises:
“[The] Conservatives and New Democrats have ‘painted themselves in the corner’ by promising zero deficits for this year.” [translation] (Jean-Robert Sansfaçon, Le Devoir, September 2, 2015)
“Mulcair has pledged to balance the budget, come what may. In order to do that, it’s unlikely that a NDP government will be able to fulfill many—or even any—of its spending promises.” (Stephen Gordon, Economist, Maclean’s, August 28, 2015)
“The President of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ) accuses Thomas Mulcair of reneging on his promise to cancel the cuts to health care transfers. ‘I am surprised. Honestly, I don’t understand because the reputation the NDP has always had is contrary to this, one of working with communities and responding to their needs.’” [translation] (Régine Laurent, FIQ, La Presse Canadienne, August 28, 2015)
“Thomas Mulcair isn’t what he seems to be. He opposes raising taxes on the wealthiest one percent, opposes lowering taxes for the middle class, and he’ll keep sending Harper’s child benefit cheques to millionaires,” said Ms. Joly. “Justin Trudeau and the Liberals are the only party offering real change from ten failed years of Harper.”