[LISTEN] Our New Radio Ad on Income Splitting
December 16, 2014
The Conservative government is giving away your surplus of over
two billion dollars
to Canada’s wealthiest through their proposed income-splitting scheme.
Meanwhile, we’re letting Canadians know what a better government would do.
Listen to our new radio ad below, then sign up to stand with Justin.
You can also donate $20.15 now to help keep this spot on the air
You’ve worked hard and made real sacrifices to balance the budget. Stephen Harper’s income-splitting plan would give away more than two billion dollars a year of your surplus to those who need it least – Canada’s wealthiest families.
I’m Justin Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, and I think that’s wrong. I believe that a surplus built by Canadians should be invested to help all Canadians. Especially our struggling middle class and those who work hard to join it. It’s the right thing to do. It’s the fair thing to do.
Stand with Justin
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