Mulcair does it again – flip-flops on TPP, pipelines
October 5, 2015
OTTAWA – Thomas Mulcair has done it again, saying different things on the same topic because it’s politically convenient.
“Thomas Mulcair will say whatever is convenient,” said Liberal candidate for Markham—Thornhill, John McCallum. “He pretends to oppose TPP today, but he was ‘enthusiastically in favour’ of it at the beginning of this campaign. It’s just transparent politics.
”Trans-Pacific Partnership
On August 4th, Mulcair said, “we are also enthusiastically in favour of a trade deal with our Pacific partners.” Watch the video.
Energy East Pipeline
Last night on Tout Le Monde En Parle, Mulcair once again said he is both for and against the Energy East pipeline:
“It’s no to Energy East,” Mr. Mulcair said firmly, before lamenting the environmental assessment process put in place by the Conservative government. But the talk show’s host, Guy A. Lepage, came back to the issue a few minutes later, asking Mr. Mulcair what would happen if a credible process was in place. “We’d study it,” Mr. Mulcair finally said. (Globe & Mail, October 5, 2015)
“The only thing Thomas Mulcair’s political experience has taught him is to play politics with everything,” said Mr. McCallum.