Mulcair still avoiding questions about empty NDP promises
August 4, 2015
MONTREAL – After doing his best Stephen Harper impression by avoiding journalists and Canadians since the campaign started, will Thomas Mulcair finally start providing some answers?
Will Mulcair come clean with restaurant workers about his minimum wage mirage that does not apply to any restaurant employee in Canada?
Key questions about Mulcair’s contradictions:
- Why is Thomas Mulcair misleading Canadians by touting a “federal minimum wage” increase that will apply to less than one percent of the Canadian workforce?
- Why does Thomas Mulcair oppose Justin Trudeau’s plan to save middle class families up to $1,350 per year by lowering the middle class tax bracket?
- Why does Thomas Mulcair oppose Justin Trudeau’s plan to ask Canada’s top earners to pay a little more, so middle class families can pay a little less?
- Why does Thomas Mulcair say different things in different parts of the country on the exact same topic? “[Mulcair] tap-dances around NDP contradictions… The NDP leader weaved his way between competing positions that threaten to get him trouble in one part of the country or another… policies that are winners for them in Quebec, are toxic for them in the rest of the country.” (National Post, July 20, 2015)
- Why does Thomas Mulcair want to rip up the Clarity Act, making it easier to break up Canada?
Justin Trudeau is the only candidate for Prime Minister with a plan for real change to grow the economy, help the middle class, and restore fairness.