Canadians have a choice to move forward
September 18, 2021

Aurora, Ontario – In this important election, Canadians have a clear choice: move forward for everyone with Justin Trudeau and the Liberal team or let Erin O’Toole take us backward.
On ending this pandemic, on getting the job done on vaccines, on fighting climate change, on helping Canadians find a home, and on keeping assault weapons illegal, Canadians need real leadership. Only Justin Trudeau and the Liberal team can offer that leadership we need to finish the fight against the pandemic and build a better future for everyone.
“In this election, Canadians have a clear choice on how we finish the fight against COVID-19 and rebuild from the pandemic,” said Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. “While our Liberal team will continue to show leadership by getting the job done on vaccines and building a better Canada that works for everyone, Erin O’Toole wants to take a different approach. He would scrap our plan to ensure Canadians travelling on a plane or train are vaccinated. He won’t ensure his own candidates are vaccinated, and he’s failed at every step to support the necessary measures, like proof of vaccination requirements, that it will take to end this pandemic and avoid another COVID-19 crisis like we’ve seen in Alberta this week. In every way, Erin O’Toole would take Canada backward. Only by working together can we stop him and move forward for everyone.”
The Liberal team will finish the fight against the pandemic and build a better Canada by:
Requiring travellers on planes, trains, and cruise ships to be fully vaccinated to finish the fight against COVID-19 and supporting provinces and territories who implement proof-of-vaccine requirements.
Supporting the hiring of 7,500 additional doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners, and working with provinces and territories to fully eliminate the backlog of surgeries and services in our health system.
Helping Canadians buying their first home save up to $30,000, end blind bidding and stop renovictions.
Continuing to take real action to fight climate change while creating new clean jobs and supporting our workers.
Maintaining our ban on 1,500 types of military-style assault weapons and implementing a buyback to keep dangerous guns out of our communities.
Delivering $10 a day child care and reducing child care costs by 50 per cent in the next year.
“This is an important time for our country, and we can’t afford to go back – but that’s exactly what Erin O’Toole wants to do,” said Mr. Trudeau. “He wants to take us back to private, for profit healthcare, back to when assault weapons were legal, back to MPs pushing anti-abortion laws, and back to denial and inaction on climate change – and Jagmeet Singh and Yves-François Blanchet won’t stop him. Only our Liberal team has a real plan that will build a better future and move Canada forward – for everyone.”
For more information, please contact:
613 627-2384