Former Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin supports Justin Trudeau’s strong economic team in Brampton
August 26, 2015
Peel region ready for real change
BRAMPTON, ON – Former Liberal Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Rt. Hon. Paul Martin, hit the campaign trail in support of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal team at a rally event in Brampton last night. Earlier in the day, Mr. Martin joined the Liberal Leader in Toronto, where he showcased the members of the Liberal economic team from across the country, and detailed how real leadership will strengthen the middle class, create jobs, and grow our economy.
The Liberal economic team includes several former federal and provincial economic ministers; successful entrepreneurs and job creators; leading experts in technology, economics, training, First Nations governance, and natural resources; and community leaders, among others.
“Liberals are proud to have a strong and diverse team of economic leaders,” said Mr. Trudeau. “Canadians, especially in the Peel region, understand that Canada is made strong not in spite of our differences, but precisely because of them.”
“We were thrilled to have a former Prime Minister and future Prime Minister in one room in Brampton last night,” said Raj Grewal, Liberal candidate for Brampton East. “The overwhelmingly enthusiastic reception at our rally was further evidence that the people of Peel region are ready for real change, and only Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have the strong and diverse team to deliver it.”