In Their Own Words: Mulcair will cut and break promises
September 2, 2015
OTTAWA – By adopting Harper’s failed economic approach, Thomas Mulcair will make cuts and break his promises.
Media reports show that Mulcair is already backing off his health care and public transit commitments.
Stephen Gordon, Economist:
“Mulcair has pledged to balance the budget, come what may. In order to do that, it’s unlikely that a NDP government will be able to fulfill many—or even any—of its spending promises.” (Maclean’s, August 28, 2015)
Vincent Marissal, La Presse:
“In this sense, the ‘modest deficit for a few years’ announced yesterday by Justin Trudeau, although politically risky, is perhaps more realistic than Thomas Mulcair and Stephen Harper’s promise to balance the budget.” [translation] (August 31, 2015)
Jean-Robert Sansfaçon, Le Devoir:
“[The] Conservatives and New Democrats have ‘painted themselves in the corner’ by promising zero deficits for this year.” [translation] (September 2, 2015)
John Ivison, National Post:
“How he plans to finance his national childcare plan, the maintenance of the six per cent escalator on health-care transfers and his other spending plans, while maintaining a balanced budget, remains opaque.” (National Post, August 26, 2015)
Toronto Star Editorial:
“[Mulcair’s] party has yet to explain fully how it will pay for its proposals.” (September 1, 2015)
Robyn Urback, National Post:
“How Mulcair plans to fulfil all these promises is still a matter of speculation. While it’s true that no other major party leader has yet released a fully costed plan, no other leader has also committed to balancing the budget in year one, without significantly raising the corporate tax rate, without increasing or introducing new taxes, while promising billions more in annual federal spending.” (September 1, 2015)
Gerald Caplan, Globe & Mail
“Mr. Mulcair has now promised that he’d balance the budget in his first year of office – listen to these magical words: ‘The NDP’s first year of office’!! – even while remaining true to all of his election promises, regardless of their cost.” (August 31, 2015)