I’m In – take charge, drive change, stand up for Canada!
April 28, 2014

I want to share a story about how someone like you took charge, stood up for what she believed in, and started a powerful movement.
Meet Mackenzie.
For her, it all started this past February, at our historic National Convention in Montreal.
Mackenzie stepped into our photo booth and took this picture:
That night she joined 970 other Canadians who made the same promise she did. She said:
“I’m in.”
Now she’s part of a growing, nationwide movement of Canadians in communities, towns and cities across the country, who are declaring that they want change.
In fact, by making this declaration, they are driving change. Have a look:
These are some of the 970 people so far who believe that with hope and hard work, we can build a Canada where each of us has a real and fair chance at success.
What truly inspires me, is that by starting this movement, each of them has declared being ‘IN’ for positive political leadership with an ambitious vision of Canada. Leadership that addresses the challenges of their daily lives and helps our country grow.
So I have a question for you.
If you could help shape the evolution of our country, would you?
I’m In is YOUR political platform — you started it this past February — and you have the power to grow it — making change a reality.
Here’s how:
- Upload your photo — take charge, stand up for change and help build our live mosaic of Canada.
- Tell the country why you are IN. Share your reason for wanting to drive change — @justintrudeau #whyimin4canada.
- Spread the word — from now until May 30th, I will be re-tweeting the 3 most memorable #whyimin4canada tweets, per week. Remember you want to tweet @JustinTrudeau #whyimin4canada.
Real change happens when people take action.
So, upload your photo, lend your voice, and speak out for what you believe in. Let the country know why you’re in.
This is beyond politics. It’s about your ideas for your country.
Are you in for Canada?
Thank you.