Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau will move Canada forward — for everyone
September 9, 2021

Gatineau, Quebec – Tonight, Justin Trudeau laid out a clear choice for Canadians: move forward with the Liberal plan to finish the fight against COVID-19 and make life more affordable for middle class Canadians or let Erin O’Toole take us backward with his plan to balance the books on the backs’ of hard working Canadians.
“Tonight, over the next few hours, you’re going to hear some very, very different, very strong ideas that are radically different about how we’re going to move forward through this pandemic, how to end it, and how we’re going to build back better.” said Justin Trudeau, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada during the debate. “Those decisions are going to be taken by your government now. In the coming weeks. This fall. Not a year from now, not two years from now. I know you want to go harder and faster on vaccinations, harder and faster on climate change, and you get to choose right now.”
Justin Trudeau spoke on how the Liberal team was there to support Canadians throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and how they will continue to be there as we finish the fight against the virus. He committed to ensuring all eligible Canadians get vaccinated, building a stronger public health care system, and keeping seniors safe with better long-term care. Vaccines are the best way for Canadians to return to normal life and avoid future lockdowns, but Erin O’Toole won’t even ensure his candidates are vaccinated. He would let unvaccinated Canadians travel on a train or plane, and wants to bring more privatization to Canada’s health care system.
The Liberal Leader showed that only a re-elected Liberal government has a real plan to make life more affordable for Canadians. While the Liberals move forward with $10 a day child care for Canadian families, Erin O’Toole and the Conservatives have promised to rip-up the eight agreements that have been signed with provinces and territories and eliminate the hundreds of thousands of child care spaces the agreements would create.
The Liberals also have a real plan to both make housing more affordable for renters and help more Canadians become homeowners. No other team has made that commitment – in fact, the Conservatives plan for housing is more tax breaks for wealthy landlords that would leave the middle class behind, the NDP have no details on how to pay for their plan, and the Bloc doesn’t think we should play a role in helping Canadians buy a home at all.
Justin Trudeau once again made his position clear on strengthening Canada’s gun controls and keeping our communities safe. But Erin O’Toole wants to put more than 1,500 different types of assault weapons back in our communities. He also doesn’t have a clear answer on whether he would let his caucus bring forward anti-abortion legislation. Canadians need leadership on these issues, and Erin O’Toole can’t offer that.
To deliver on the Liberals’ promise to create one million jobs and cut pollution to fight climate change, Mr. Trudeau demonstrated once again that the Liberals not only have a plan – but a proven record on the environment to deliver it. While Erin O’Toole promises to take us backward to the inaction of the Harper years, the NDP’s climate plan has recently been described by climate experts as both “ineffective and costly.” Only the Liberal plan will protect our environment, fight climate change, and grow our economy, according to experts.
Trudeau also spoke to the importance of continuing on the path of reconciliation and working with Indigenous partners and communities to close the gaps that still exist for too many.
“Over the past year and a half, I made a straightforward promise to Canadians that we would have your backs and that’s exactly what we did,” said Mr. Trudeau. “During this pandemic, we were there to support people. But at the same time, we need to continue that. That’s why we’ve put forward a $10 a day child care proposal that will save the average family in Toronto close to $10,000 more than Mr. O’Toole’s approach on child care… And Mr. O’Toole’s plan on housing gives half a billion dollars in breaks to the wealthiest landlords and nothing for building new houses.”
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