Mulcair’s child care deception exposed
August 24, 2015
TORONTO – After months of misleading Canadians, Thomas Mulcair’s deceptive child care proposal is unravelling fast in the face of glaring unanswered questions, said Spadina—Fort York Liberal candidate, Adam Vaughan.“Thomas Mulcair’s child care proposal is a mirage. It’s full of holes and he can’t pay for it,” said Mr. Vaughan. “He’s sending a $3.3 billion bill to provinces and territories, asking them to do all the heavy lifting, but hasn’t spoken to the Premiers about it.”“And not only does Thomas Mulcair’s Sherbrooke Declaration make it easier to break up the country, but it also lets provinces opt out of national programs like this one,” said Mr. Vaughan. “It means that Mulcair is promising daycare spaces but has no idea whether he can actually deliver them. It’s yet another example of him saying different things on the same topic in different parts of the country.”“Even if they somehow sort out these gaping holes, Mulcair and the NDP say they won’t even implement the proposal for almost a decade,” concluded Mr. Vaughan. “Thomas Mulcair talks a good game but there’s no substance behind it. The NDP’s plan is a mirage.”
The NDP child care mirage:
- The NDP’s child care subsidy requires $3.3 billion per year of provincial funds – funds it has no idea whether it will actually secure.
- The provinces can opt out, meaning Mulcair may never deliver a single space.
- The NDP refuses to say its child care program won’t be fully implemented for almost a decade – in 2023.
- The NDP’s child care subsidy isn’t income-tested. Instead, it would deliver the largest benefit to high-income parents just like the Conservatives already do.
- Just like the Conservatives, the NDP will continue sending Harper’s cheques to parents who are millionaires.