Ready to Share – April Edition
April 1, 2016

Let’s get Canada moving!
Budget 2016 begins investing more than $120 billion in infrastructure over 10 years to help create jobs, and grow the economy.
That means investing in roads, bridges, and transit so you can get home faster.
Read all about it

Join us in Winnipeg this May 26-28 for the biggest Liberal event of the year!
Early bird registration has been extended until April 15! Register now and save!
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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Obama are working together to strengthen the relationship between our two countries.
Yes, Canada is back!

In a rush, but still want to know how Budget 2016 works? We put together this handy video that lays out how Budget 2016 invests now to help middle class families.
Watch and share

Dr. Hedy Fry has been serving the people of Vancouver Center for 23 years – that makes her the longest serving female MP in Canadian history.
An incredible milestone!
Congrats Hedy!

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Justin Trudeau
Liberal Party of Canada