Ready to Share – August 12th Edition
August 12, 2016

This week Minister Dominic LeBlanc officially reopened the Kitsilano Coast Guard Base in Vancouver. Another promise kept.
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Climate change is an immediate and significant threat to our communities and our economy, and Liberals understand that a strong economy and clean environment must go hand in hand. The government is providing national leadership to take action, and we hope all Canadians will get involved and share their ideas.
Participate in the consultation

The season of change will soon be upon us! As the leaves turn red, why not match them and add a bit of Liberal red to your wardrobe?
Shop the Liberal Boutique

Learn more about Kitchener with Marwan Tabbara, Member of Parliament from Kitchener South–Hespeler, in this week’s episode of On The Road with LPC!
Visit Kitchener
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