What they’re saying: Trudeau commits to largest infrastructure investment in Canadian history
August 29, 2015
“I welcome Liberal leader Justin Trudeau’s pledge to double federal infrastructure spending over the next ten years. This long term, stable funding, like what we’ve seen with the gas tax, is critical as we focus on building transit, cutting congestion and making badly needed repairs to affordable housing.” – Mayor John Tory (Office of the Mayor of Toronto, August 27, 2015)
“I applaud Mr. Trudeau and the Liberals for putting forth such a bold plan. We think this could be a game changer in this election.” – Mike Gallagher, Local 793 business manager (International Union of Operating Engineers Local 793, August 27, 2015)
« Des économistes et experts en finances publiques voient d’un bon oeil l’approche du chef liberal. » – Hugo De Grandpré (La Presse, 28 août 2015)
“[A] significant and meaningful commitment to meet the urgent need for major infrastructure investment in cities and communities across Canada.” – Mayor Gregor Robertson (Office of the Mayor of Vancouver, August 27, 2015)
«L’annonce faite ce matin par le Parti libéral du Canada a le potentiel d’améliorer de façon significative la qualité de vie des Canadiens partout au pays. » – Raymond Louie, président de la Fédération canadienne des municipalités (Fédération canadienne des muinicipalités, 27 août, 2015)
“Justin Trudeau pitches spending and deficits. And a side of honesty.” – Nick Taylor-Vaisey (Maclean’s, August 27, 2015)
“LiUNA applauds Justin Trudeau and his team for clearly defining the important role that infrastructure plays in a modern 21st century economy.” (Labourers International Union of North America, August 27, 2015)
« Justin Trudeau promet de doubler les investissements en infrastructures » (Le Devoir, 28 août, 2015)
“Municipal and engineering groups glad politicians are talking infrastructure” (Global News, August 27, 2015)
“Today, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau pledged to increase infrastructure funding to historic new levels. This is welcome news to cities like Brampton.” – Mayor Linda Jeffrey (Office of the Mayor of Brampton, August 27, 2015)
«Pas mauvais, un déficit » – Pierre Jury (Le Droit, 27 août 2015)
« On ne peut pas créer des emplois ou équilibrer un budget en mettant la croissance au neutre. » – Paul Martin, ancien premier ministre et ministre des Finances (TVA Nouvelles, 28 août 2015)