You’ve never seen a scarf like this
December 2, 2013
As Senior Director of Fundraising at the Liberal Party of Canada, I have a weekly meeting with Chief Revenue Officer Stephen Bronfman.
And whether he’s in Tokyo, New York, or home in Montreal, whatever the hour, he always makes that call.
The first time we spoke, he said, “Christina, between now and the next election, we’re going to give this everything we’ve got. But let’s make sure we have fun while doing it.”
Well, I took that to heart, and so did my team.
Which is why, while we’re asking you to put everything on the line as we try to raise $1-million in just 12 days, we’re also going to make sure you have fun, a lot of fun, along the way.
So, in the spirit of the holidays, we’re giving away twelve, limited-edition Justin Trudeau scarves as part of the Win Dinner with Justin contest.
Just donate $3 — seriously, that’s 75 cents after your tax credit — to show your support for Justin Trudeau, and signal to Canadians you’re serious about change:
If you do, you’ll automatically be entered for the chance to win dinner with Justin and four guests in your town, as well as one of twelve limited-edition Justin Trudeau scarves.
When we were designing these scarves, Justin kept telling me, “Christina, it’s too short!”
Justin was right. A longer scarf isn’t just warmer, it’s also a heck of a lot more fun.
How’s that, you ask? Well, it turns out it’s pretty easy to poke fun at Canadian politicians (including Liberals) while tying a scarf.
Here below is what we call “the Justin Trudeau.”
Check out our “Canadian Parliamentarian’s guide to tying a scarf” on the donate page to see more.

Christina Topp
Senior Director, Fundraising
Liberal Party of Canada
P.S. We also accept donations by phone at 1-888-542-3725, Mon-Sun, 9am to 5pm ET (if the line is busy, please try again).