Cutting Methane Emissions Methane causes 80 times the amount of warming of carbon dioxide emissions in the first 20 years after being released into the atmosphere. Slashing methane emissions is one of the fastest ways to slow the rate of climate change in our lifetimes. We put in place regulations to make sure oil and gas companies reduce their methane emissions by 40 to 45 % by 2025, relative to 2012 emissions. But we know more needs to be done. A re-elected Liberal government will: Require oil and gas companies to reduce methane emissions by at least 75% below 2012 levels by 2030 and work to reduce methane emissions across the broader economy. Seek similar commitments from other major economies at the upcoming G20 and COP26. Make the National Research Council a global centre for excellence on methane detection and elimination, to address the global issues of under-reporting of methane emissions. Share