Gender and Diversity Impact Summary: Moving Forward on Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples In 2016, close to 5% of Canada’s population self-identified as Indigenous. The Indigenous population is the fastest growing in Canada and is also the youngest population with 44% under the age of 25 in 2016. Our approach to reconciliation takes into account the different lived experiences of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation communities and key socio-economic indicators like income, education, employment, housing, gender, geography, health, and justice. Indigenous children are significantly overrepresented in the child welfare system. In 2016, Indigenous children represented 7.7% of all children ages 1-14, but they represented 52.2 % of children in foster care. The measures to protect the wellness of Indigenous children will most benefit Indigenous children from low-income families and single parent—majority women-led– households. Intimate partner violence is more prevalent for Indigenous women (61%) and even more prevalent for LGBTQ2 Indigenous women (86%). Additionally, they face challenges in securing housing due to financial insecurity. The lack of accessible and affordable housing means Indigenous women in abusive relationships may choose to stay in an unsafe environment. Share