Reducing Benefit Wait Times for Veterans Under Erin O’Toole’s watch, as the Conservative’s Minister of Veterans Affairs, Veterans support offices were shuttered, and staff were laid off. When we formed government, we re-opened all nine offices, so our Veterans and their families had access to the personalized, quality services they deserve. We have invested nearly $200 million to reduce wait times for Veterans and hired 350 additional staff. We also invested $140 million to ensure that Veterans don’t have to wait for their benefits to get high-quality mental health care. A re-elected Liberal government will: Continue our work to reduce wait times and ensure Veterans and their families receive decisions on their applications in a timely manner. Invest the necessary resources to accomplish this, such as hiring more case workers and adjudicators, continuing to enhance disability benefit processing, and by enhancing innovative digital solutions. Ensure the benefit system and Veterans Affairs services are responsive and meet the needs of underrepresented Veterans including women, LGBTQ2, racialized, and Indigenous Veterans. Share