Safer Indoor Air A government’s highest responsibility is to keep Canadians safe. Proper ventilation, that exchanges indoor air for outdoor air, is an important tool for preventing the spread of COVID-19. As Canada re-opens and the days get a little colder, we need to make sure our indoor spaces are properly ventilated, so students can get back in the classroom and businesses can welcome customers. We have a plan to make this future a reality. That’s why a re-elected Liberal government will: Provide a $100 million top-up to the Safe Return to Class Fund for ventilation improvement projects across Canada, as well as $10 million for First Nations to improve indoor air quality in on-reserve schools. Provide $100 million to the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative with $70 million of this funding directed to a new pillar focused on increasing air quality and indoor ventilation. Introduce a tax credit for small businesses to make it easier for them to invest in better ventilation. Share