Strong, Secure, Engaged, and Inclusive Canada faces a host of global threats, including rapidly evolving risks posed by cyber attacks, foreign interference, and climate change. Canadians deserve a 21st century military that is equipped to respond to emerging threats to our national security and in which all members feel safe and included. Building on Strong, Secure, Engaged, the comprehensive, long-term defence policy we released in 2017, a re-elected government will ensure that our military has the equipment and resources needed to keep Canadians safe, secure our Arctic sovereignty, and respond to the full range of hostile, cyber, and environmental threats we face. A re-elected Liberal government will: Work with the United States to modernize NORAD, including by upgrading the North Warning System, deploying new technological solutions to improve surveillance and monitoring, improving command and control systems, and investing in the infrastructure and capabilities necessary to deter and defeat threats to North America. These investments will also support northern communities and further strengthen Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic, including with respect to the increasing navigation of Arctic waters Expand Canada’s long and short-range strategic airlift capability in order to increase Canada’s contribution to NATO, coalition and allied military operations abroad, and improve support for domestic and international emergency response. Expand cooperation and assistance to partners, allies and international organizations, such as the United Nations, NATO, and regional organizations, in humanitarian assistance and disaster recovery, including health and climate emergencies, and conflict response. Remain a leading contributor to NATO operations, including by extending Operation Reassurance in Eastern Europe and maintaining Canada’s regular participation in NATO’s aerial and maritime patrol operations. We will also extend Canada’s support to Ukraine and opposition to Russian aggression, through Operation Unifier. Work with international partners to establish a NATO Centre of Excellence on Climate and Security in Canada, to ensure that Canada and its allies are equipped to respond to threats posed by climate change. Lead international efforts to establish a global coalition to respond to wildfires and other climate emergencies. Share