Matching Workers with Jobs One of the signs of the strength of our recovery is that, in some sectors, businesses’ growth is outpacing their ability to find workers. In the spring, we made the largest investment in training for workers in Canadian history to help them reskill to meet the needs of employers. Action to address labour shortages will make sure businesses can grow and capitalize on the opportunities of our recovery. And create even more opportunities for workers. We have a plan to: Welcome talented workers to Canada. Make it easier for workers to relocate for good jobs. Keep experienced workers in the workforce. Boost the participation of diverse Canadians in the skilled trades. Address the specific needs of evolving sectors. We will make it easier for workers to connect with employers, attract global talent, and provide the training workers and businesses need to succeed. A re-elected Liberal government will: Reform economic immigration programs to expand pathways to permanent residence for temporary foreign workers and former international students through the Express Entry points system. Build on the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot and work with employers and communities across Canada to welcome 2,000 skilled refugees to fill labour shortages in in-demand sectors such as health care. Establish a Trusted Employer system to streamline application process for Canadian companies hiring temporary foreign workers to fill labour shortages that cannot be filled by Canadian workers. Grow and improve the Global Talent Stream program by simplifying permit renewals, upholding the 2-week processing time, and establishing an employer hotline, to allow Canadian companies to attract and hire highly skilled workers. Continue to work with provinces, territories, and regulatory bodies to improve foreign credential recognition. Introduce a new Labour Mobility Tax Credit to allow workers in the building and construction trades to deduct up to $4,000 in eligible travel and temporary relocation expenses giving them a tax credit of up to $600 a year. Make it easier for women and vulnerable groups to access training by requiring businesses supported through the Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program to include wrap-around supports. This could include transportation to and from the training program, computers, food, referral to counselling, housing, and legal support, support in finding child care, and mentoring or coaching. Introduce a Career Extension Tax Credit to help seniors who want to stay in the workforce, stay in the workforce. The tax credit will let people 65 and over, who earn a working income, reduce their taxes. Seniors who earn a minimum of $5,000 at their jobs will be able to eliminate tax payable on a portion of their income and receive a tax credit of up to $1,650. Develop a sector-specific Agricultural Labour Strategy with employers and unions to address persistent labour shortages. Continue to deliver on our $80 million investment to train workers for green jobs. Opportunities to reskill for energy workers, through a Just Transition. More details are available in “A Cleaner, Greener Future.” Share