Urban National Parks and Access to Nature During the pandemic, Canadians have escaped their homes by going outdoors, rediscovering the benefits to health and well-being of green spaces and waterfronts. We think everyone in Canada should be able to access nature, wherever they live. To ensure that everyone has access to green spaces in their communities, a re-elected Liberal government will: Establish at least one new national urban park in every province and territory, with a target of establishing 15 national urban parks by 2030. Invest an additional $200 million in the Natural Infrastructure Fund to continue funding community-led public green space projects in collaboration with municipalities, Indigenous communities, and nonprofit organizations. Continue building and connecting the Trans Canada Trail, and creating new opportunities for Canadians to access it, by increasing annual funding to $13 million, growing the trail network by 10% helping create 10,000 jobs over the next five years. Build a national trails tourism strategy and increase youth employment opportunities in partnership with Destination Canada to enhance local economic development opportunities. Every Canadian should have access to nature and green space in their community. Simply put, it’s part of who we are. Share